lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011


We will never be alone.
For each trip we have done together, and because one day we will be unstoppable and free to travel the whole world, shoulder to shoulder.

For every breakfast we have had, each toast, each hot chocolate, each egg, and each smile we have done in the same table with different people. And because we knew our last breakfast together
 wasn´t going to be the last.

For all those memories that we keep in pictures, and all those memories that we keep in our heart.
For every single smile, and every single tear.
For all the love that we have to each other.

Because I smile when I remember our hangovers, and all the cigarettes. We crazy grils ;)

For every meal in fast food restaurants, because we enjoy small things.
                                              Because we will always be together, true friends never lie.

And, what does really make us good friends? That we love the other the way she is. That together we can be ourselves, without fears of what people can say. We have our own style, wether they like it or not.
And that is the most important thing, we can be who we are.


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